My name is Kristina and I am the owner and founder of KASED Clothing.
KASED stands for K-reative, A-thletic – S-uccessful E-mpowered D-auntless, and that is how I want every woman to feel when she puts on these clothes. I’ve always had a love for fashion and online shopping, but I first came up with the idea for KASED after having three knee surgeries. Feeling frustrated with no longer being able to wear heels all the time, I wanted to design clothes that were fashionable yet comfortable. Clothes you could pair with heels but also wear with sneakers. I wanted women to feel empowered and sexy no matter what they wear – and sexy doesn’t have to mean uncomfortable. I started KASED three years ago and I’ve loved meeting new customers and hearing women tell me how they feel after wearing my clothes. All of our items are high quality and are perfect for any occasion. My goal is to continue expanding KASED and empowering women as I go. As my slogan says “An empowered woman designing clothes to empower woman." You can catch me at local markets across NJ or at kasedclothing.com.